Since 5 years, I’ve been using smartphone for 6–8hrs a day. I tried to break my addiction many times but never succeeded. As the upcoming days are very crucial for me, I decided to try breaking my addiction. I know I never succeeded before, but this time, I think I’m committed
Smartphone destroyed my focus in studies
Yes, from the day I got access to smartphone, I spent lot of my time in watching youtube, web series, playing games and many more activities. I am very concerned about my studies and career. I was unable to focus on my studies and kept using my smartphone involuntarily.
Can I say that I’m addicted to smartphone?
Definitely Yes. I felt the urge to use my smartphone every single minute. I told myself not use it, I cant resist. There is no single day, when I didn’t use my smartphone. I tried making some habits to move away from smartphone. But none of them worked. I can definitely say that I was addicted to smartphone.
What’s the solution?
The only solution to break the addiction is to stop using smartphone. I know, it’s difficult than saying. But I think this is the right time to break this. I’m decided to stay away from smartphone for a month from now. Let’s see how its going to change my life. I will come with a new article about my experience after 30 days. So, stay tuned.
If not now, never.
thank you.